Fun and Easy Science in the Classroom- Guest Blog Post

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In my desperate attempts to add Science into my day, I came across the blog, “Science for Kids” authored by Sue. I was hooked and week after week, I would stalk her blog looking for new and fun science ideas and Sue always delivered! So when I asked Sue if she would write a guest post for me, I was thrilled when she said yes! Thanks again, Sue, for sharing your passion and creativeness with us!

I am thrilled to be a guest blogger on my sweet friend Leigh’s blog! I love her blog, she is so creative!! She has been so supportive of me right from the start, thank you Leigh!!

I’m Sue from Science for Kids blog.  I started off as a research scientist and I am now a science teacher teaching students in grades PK-4.  I am always looking for fun, educational science experiments that require inexpensive materials. Here is one of my favorite chemistry experiments- it’s easy to do and does not require any fancy materials – just a baggie, some vinegar, some baking soda & a tissue!  I did it last week with my 2nd grade cuties – it was a big hit!

My only caveat with this experiment is make sure you try it before you give it to your kids. We don’t want the bag to explode! I’ve done this experiment for years with my kids & have never had a bag pop. Try it first & adjust volumes if you need to – the bag should be under inflated – not on the verge of popping!
This experiment can be done as a solo or group experiment- whatever works for you & your class. I recommend working in groups of 4 because it is less baggies that you have to keep an eye on as the chemical reaction is occurring. 
Directions & worksheets can be found here at my TpT store:  Chemistry for Kids
First we made some observations & predictions on this worksheet:

Then everyone put their safety goggles on (if you don’t have any, ask your kids to bring in their swim goggles!) We added 50 milliliters of vinegar to a 1 quart capacity baggie, then we sealed it up to prevent spills as we prepared the baking soda. We used graduated cylinders to measure volume but you can use plastic spoons, measuring cups, Dixie cups – anything!  Then we put 1 tablespoon of baking soda onto a tissue & wrapped it up like a little package:
We put the baking soda package into the baggie. Keeping it above the vinegar, we sealed the bags well (& I double checked everyone’s bag seal just in case!)
On the count of 3, release the baking soda package, it will hit the vinegar- shake well to get that chemical reaction going!
A gas is produced & the bag will inflate! I love watching my kids’ reactions!! They love this experiment!
We measured the inflated bags 
and recorded our data on this worksheet: 

 I always use the scientific names for the chemicals we use in lab – we all know kids are little sponges– so many will remember the big science words! I tell them that vinegar is actually acetic acid (which is some scary stuff) diluted with water to 5% concentration so it is safe to use. Baking soda is actually a base called sodium bicarbonate. The acetic acid will react with the sodium bicarbonate to form carbon dioxide – the same gas we exhale. This reaction product is what inflates the bag.
 This experiment can be used as an intro to the scientific method, as part of a unit on solids, liquids, & gases, or to teach the difference between chemical & physical changes. For more science ideas for kids, check out my blog or my Pinterest board. 
Thank you inviting me to be a guest blogger Leigh! I wish you were a teacher at my school – you are such a creative & dedicated teacher! 
WOW! What a great post, Sue! Thank you for the FREEBIE as well! I know we’ll be doing this experiment later this week as it fits PERFECTLY into our “How Matter Can Change” Unit. I’ve also made this quick expository writing assignment for the kiddos to complete after they have finished their experiment. We need extra help in the expository writing arena and this is a perfect tie in! 
{Click the picture to grab it up!}   

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Hi, I'm Leigh.

The Applicious Teacher is all about creating hands-on and engaging lessons that align with the standards while still having time for your life. This is your place for ideas, tips, and resources for the REAL teacher!


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