ย One more day… one more day… repeat with me… I CAN DO THIS.
ย These past few days have been a whirl wind of holiday magic and fun!Today we put the finishing touches on our parent gifts.
We made 2014 Calendars. One of my team members shared this activity with me and I think they turned out pretty cute!
ย I’ve never done this activity before but I found it easy, educational, and so stinkin’ cute! Did I mention it was easy?
Students fill out blank calendars (educational part!) noting the holidays for each month. They’re favorite was writing their birthdays! LOL!
(these were from an old school book my team mate had, but you can print off blank calendars here)
Then mount a student picture onto a piece of white card stock. Have students decorate.
ย Laminate the student picture and a blank piece of card stock together so there is a small space in between (this allows your calendar to fold)
Hot glue the completed calendar to the bottom and Viola!
You’ve got a cute and practical ย gift!
I was par-oozing Insta yesterday and came across the best idea from Ashley over at “That’s So Second Grade“. Seriously… the easiest and cutest student gift idea eva’!
Personalized bookmarks!
I whipped these babies up last night (in between last minute grading sessions!)
ย and cut and laminated them at school. Had to add a little ribbon for flare.
ย My kiddos adored them!
(Want to make these for your class?! Grab the template here for FREE!)
For tomorrow we’ve got “Polar Express Day”, complete with hot chocolate and movie viewing (so that the teacher can take down all our Holiday decor)
We’ll start our day off with reading this well loved book
Then we’ll work on an expository piece on “How to Make Hot Chocolate”.
You can grab this fun and quick (super low prep!) craft here for FREE at my TpT Store.
Now off to rescue the babes… he’s trying to walk and sending me into a tailspin with every little move he makes! Lord bless me!
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