It is FINALLY Friday!

Hello Ryan…. hello! ๐
Like seriously people, this day couldn’t seem to get here soon enough. I.NEED.THIS three day weekend! LOL! #canyourelate?
Before I get my weekend on, I wanted to stop in and share a few more activities we’ve been doing in these last few weeks of school.
First up… African American Inventors.
We use the Macmillan Reading series, Treasures, and this week’s story was all about African American Inventors.
Now, we don’t always do every story from our series, but this one is PERFECT for teaching research skills without being over whelming!
To help us gather information we made these cute tri-folds.
(You can grab the template here!)
While we read the kiddos wrote down 3-4 facts about each inventor. We worked together on the first section, then I sent the kiddos to work in teams on filling out the rest.
As a culminating writing activity, the kiddos choose two inventors to write about on the last section of their tri-fold. They wrote a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two inventors. They turned out great and it was a perfect way to teach how to pull out important information from a text AND use it! You can grab this guy for FREE here!
Now for math…
In math, we are in our final unit, measurement and data. We’ve been working out of Anna’s unit, “Just Graph it!”
and so far the kiddos have been doing great! You can check out Anna’s unit here!
We took our graphing unit a little bit farther by exploring line graphs. We created this group line graph on our heart-rates.
First, we counted our heart-beats per 10,20,30, and 40 seconds. I took a rough average, plotted our data on the graph and outlined it in black. Then we did the same thing, but added in jogging in place. I graphed that data right on the same paper and we worked as a class to compare the results.
The next day, we repeated the lesson, but this time, I had the kiddos plot their own hearts beats on this paper.
You can grab this helpful sheet for FREE here!
After we plotted the number of heart beats with and without exercise, we got to analyzing data and discussed our conclusions.
In the file, I also included a large blank graphing sheet. I plan on using this graph some more activities later next week!
and that’s just a peek at what we’ve been up to! Now it’s time for me to start this much needed three day weekend!
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