What a busy week! I can’t believe it is only Thursday! Well we’ve been up to our elbows in plants this week. Here’s a peek at what’s been “sproutin”” in our classroom!
To kick off our seeds and plants unit, we’ve been using The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
(You can check out this special “seeded” versionย here on Amazon)
as a close read. This story lends itself nicely to how seeds travel, so after reading the story, we discussed how seeds travel and why seeds to travel away from their “parent plant”.
We used this cute video I found on Youtube to illustrate the idea further.
In science, we discussed what plants needed to grow. Of course the usual suspects popped up: water, soil, sun, and air. Then I asked if a seed could grow without soil. The opinions were mixed so we took to the scientific process to find an answer to this question.
We gathered up our supplies to make soil-less gardens (AKA: Seeds in a bag taped to the window;))
Here’s a quick tip for you: soak your seeds in water for a few hours before. This will help speed up the germination process.
Here’s our soil-less garden!
Everyday we make observations and write in our seed journals.
Earlier this week we also dissected a large Lima bean.
We used the dissection to create a diagram of the inside of a seed.ย (It’s better to soak those too!)
We then glued that on the inside cover of our seed journals.
ย and…Look what we discovered today!
Seeds and plants are of course making their way into our centers this week as well. My kiddos worked on sequencing the steps of planting a flower.
(You can find this center and other Spring inspired activities in my Spring Days Center pack!)
and they loved being “seed detectives” ย as they worked through this seed inferencingย activity from my “Sprout!” Thematic Unit.
Later this week, we’ll work on labeling the parts of plant with this fun (and EASY) diagram activity.
(The kiddos just <3 the fold-down to reveal the roots! )
You can find all these activities and MORE in this Seeds and Plants Unit!
Now I am off to rip open this little box I found on my doorstep this afternoon!
Happy planting!
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