Last week, I blogged about how excited I was to be teaching geometry with no curriculum provided (I was being serious!)
Well…we have just finished up our shapes and are moving on to fractions!
Now that we are geometry pros, we’re moving in to partitioning shapes.
To introduce this concept, I read, “The Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Fractions Book”
Click the picture to check out this book on Amazon! |
If you are not familiar with Jerry Pallotta’s fraction books, they provide a great visual and content for mathematical vocabulary.
Once the kiddos were familiar with what a fraction actually was, we got down to business working on sorting shapes partitioned into equal parts and not equal parts.
Love it when they take the time to color and make it pretty!
Once the kiddos were familiar with fractions, we moved into creating our own fractions by partitioning shapes in to equal parts. My second graders had a blast doing this as a “read the room” activity!
Reading the room and partitioning shapes! |
These cards served double duty and made their way into our math centers the following week. 2 for the price of one! SCORE!
Save paper! Laminate your task cards and have the kiddos write their answers right on the card using dry erase! |
Then we worked on the “naming” of fractional pieces. We used this 3- tab booklet to help solidify halves, thirds, and fourths
On the top of the tab, the kids wrote a “kid-friendly” definition of the words. Then they sketched four examples on the bottom. They also worked on this skill during our math centers time.
As a review for our fraction vocabulary we played a fraction inspired, “I Have… Who Has…”
Be sure to re-download my “Fractions” unit on TpT to grab up this game! |
You can find these activities and a few other goodies in my Fractions Unitย at my TpT Store.
Be sure to re-download this pack if you already have it! I’ve updated many of the activities and added in a few others!
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