Math review game for 3rd grade

3rd Grade Math Review Jeopardy PowerPoint FREEBIE

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Ok… we are *this* close to finishing our State Testing! We took a break from testing on Friday, so I thought it would be a perfect time for some fun math review.
Math review game for 3rd grade
We take our Math portion of the FSA on Monday and Tuesday. Yes… I know… I hope that my kiddos don’t eat jelly beans and chocolate eggs for breakfast, either! ๐Ÿ˜‰
To review, we played a 3rd grade math review version of “Jeopardy” in a tournament style against the classroom next door. The kiddos had a blast! (Please note that the name “Jeopardy” is trademarked)


teacher humor
Saw this and I thought it was HILARIOUS! I was thinking, “Folder” but I am sure they have those too… ๐Ÿ˜‰ (And $30,000???? He was REALLY sure of that answer, too! ) LOL!
Anyway, to play, I split my kiddos back into the teams of 4 that we had from earlier in the week. We used this as a math extension to our Test Prep Olympics! I also gave each team a whiteboard and eraser so they could work out problems on their board and “show” their answers.
3rd grade math review
Each team took turns choosing a category and a point value. The higher the point value, the harder the question.


3rd grade math test prep
If the team answered it correctly, they got to keep the points and the next team went. If they got the answer wrong, the first team up with the correct response on their white board won the points.
This kept all groups engaged even if it wasn’t their turn because they really wanted to “steal” those points! And believe me… it happened a few times!
It was funny to see how the kiddos started off on the easy questions first in hopes of just getting their feet wet, but then were ready to answer the “harder” higher point questions.
third grade math test prep game
Overall it was a fun and easy way to review key math concepts from all year. If you want to grab this PP game for yourself, you can download it for FREE here in my TpT store! (It has all the classic bells and whistles too!)
Math Review Jeopardy PowerPoint Game- Love this review game for 3rd grade! and it's free!

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Hi, I'm Leigh.

The Applicious Teacher is all about creating hands-on and engaging lessons that align with the standards while still having time for your life. This is your place for ideas, tips, and resources for the REAL teacher!


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