Getting Our Cause and Effect On… Again and V-day!

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Well, we are at it again… working on cause and effect! If you remember my post from a few weeks ago, ย then you know that cause and effect is the “Achilles heel” of ย my second graders. So, I figured another week with working on this skill was a good idea.
At the beginning of the week, we used my cause and effect interactive anchor chart to explore the concept in a visual way.
On yellow stickies, I wrote one cause for each cause cloud. Then, I sent my kiddos to work with three red stickies to write three matching “effects”.
Later in the week, we used the story, Goose’s Story (which I cry EVERY time we read!) ย as a mentor for finding this relationship between events in text. ย After reading the story and discussing the key events, we made a step book that highlighted the events.
(Here’s my sample)
On each step in the book, the student’s wrote one cause event and the effect.
On the inside, students illustrated the events.
Can you believe that Valentine’s Day is THIS Friday? I know! #wheredoesthetimego
We made this sweet hand-print heart earlier this week.
Valentine's Day heart print hand print craft and poem
ย I love doing this classic as a parent gift for Valentine’s Day! It is so simple and sweet! Just paint and press the kiddos’ hands and frame with the the left over paper of a heart print out. On the front, I attach this sweet heart print poem and on the back, I have the kiddos write the poem in their “nicest and neatest” handwriting. (Here’s the sheet I use!)
ย Laminate and Wah-Lah! Instant sweetness!
Later this week, we will be flexing our writing muscles and working on comparing two candy centered holidays, Valentine’s Day and Halloween.


After comparing the two holidays, students will choose one holiday to write an opinion piece as to why that holiday is the sweetest! Valentine’s VS. Halloween! May the best holiday win! You can grab this fun writing activity in my Valentine’s Day unit on TpT.
WHEW! Now it is time for B.E.D! Did you see that there is a full moon on Valentine’s Day? Yeah… I was feeling little…ahmmm… sick too… ๐Ÿ˜‰


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Hi, I'm Leigh.

The Applicious Teacher is all about creating hands-on and engaging lessons that align with the standards while still having time for your life. This is your place for ideas, tips, and resources for the REAL teacher!


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