Well, the year is well underway in the Applicious Teacher classroom!
Earlier, I shared I was starting to work on my beginning of the year assessments
and unfortunately, I am STILL not all the way through…
Who knew it too so long to check sight words, phonics, FAIR, DRA’s and QPA’s?
LOL! Guess I forgot…
The good news? My kiddos are doing FABULOUS!
I’m lovin’ little surprises like already knowing all of our 2nd grade words, or zipping through a phonics screen-er!
Who doesn’t melt when their kiddos are little, “Smarty Pants”?
ย So….I created a little “Smarty Pants” award that I attach a roll of smarties too! What kid wouldn’t giggle to be called a “Smarty Pants”? LOL!
ย You can grab these here for FREE!
In math this week, we are working on building our basic fact fluency.
We’re imploring LOTS of strategies to help us along!
ย One of the hardest concepts for my kiddos to grasp this year is word problems.
To help, we discussed key words to look for in the word problems.
We then sorted our key words into our “What’s the Word” fold-able.
Last, we applied our new found knowledge on actual word problems.
To help us zone in even more, we used a strategy I call, “Circle, Circle, Underline”.
Students circle the information (the numbers) and underline the question.
This is a great visual for those kids who get lost in all those words!
This upcoming week, we are going on a “Fact Family Hunt” using this cute little activity!
You can grab these activities and so much more in my new Just the {Basic} Facts Pack.
We’ll be using activities from this pack in our math tub centers this week and next!
ย I’ll be back later this week to share more about our math tub centers.
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