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Happy Tuesday! I just had to pop in today to share a few details of my AMAZING
 trip to THE BIG CITY with you!

Now this little getaway was part girl’s trip, part work trip, and partly just a fun excused to get to New York City. Either way, I had a blast with my partners in crime, Tamara from Mrs. Russel’s Room and Tammy from The Resourceful Apple.

 Here we are in total disgruntled mode because of all our delays leaving! After a long day of school, we just wanted to to get off the ground and start our vacation.

But all those delays were a thing of the past once we arrived at hotel La Tamara’s Mama!

How cute are these goody bags she made for us?

We had a blast exploring NYC. I was most in awe of the reverence shown at the 9-11 Memorial.

In stark comparison, Times Square was just as hussling and bussling as I thought it would be!

I also had a chance to meet up with some super sweet fellow teacher bloggers! 

 Sorry the pic’s a little weird! Recongnize anyone?
From Top Left to bottom right: Melissa from First Grade Smiles, CaseyJane from WigglingScholars, Tammy from The Resourceful Apple, Amanda from Mrs. Richardson’s Class, Tamara from Mrs. Russell’s Room and of course… ME! ๐Ÿ™‚

Later in the weekend, I had a chance to attend a brunch at BrainPop!

Talk about a fancy office! 
 Here’s me and the girls with Andrew and Angela (The author of The Cornerstone for Teachers) from BrainPop. If you’ve never heard of this company, seriously go check them out! You will never teacher the same way again! 
While at the brainpop brunch I got to meet THE Sue from Science from Kids! WOW! 
We had a blast learning more about all the new and improved features BrainPop has been working on! (The food helped too… #youknowteachers)  
Yesterday, I had a chance to visit the TeachersPayTeachers office in New York. 
After chatting a bit with the staff…
like TpT’s Amy!

We had a chance to video conference with Adam, TpT’s new CEO. Don’t worry, we shared our general dislike for TpT’s Search feature, among-st other things… 
I even had time to squeeze in a little sight seeing too! 

Hello Chrysler Building!

What a fun trip! It reminded me why I started blogging in the first place. To have a chance to collaborate with teachers from all over the country! I am truly blessed.

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Hi, I'm Leigh.

The Applicious Teacher is all about creating hands-on and engaging lessons that align with the standards while still having time for your life. This is your place for ideas, tips, and resources for the REAL teacher!


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