summer relaxtion tips for teachers

Summer Refresh: A Teacher’s Guide to Relaxing and Revitalizing This Summer

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Teachers work incredibly hard throughout the school year, and summer is the perfect time to relax, recharge, and focus on our well-being. But when you’re used to spending every day running around like your hair is on fire, relaxing can be hard. So today, I’m sharing some easy but practical ways you can unwind and enjoy your summer break!

summer relaxtion tips for teachers

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1. Travel and Explore: Near and Far!

I feel like this one is a little on the nose for summer break, but I’m putting it first for a reason. There is nothing quite like planning a little trip to help you transition from school to vacay mode. I know this gets tricky when you have littles at home, but I promise it will be worth it!

The hubs and I visiting Ashville

Some tips for traveling:

  • Plan a vacation to a new destinationโ€”maybe a beach you’ve never been to, mountains you’re ready to hike, or a fun city destination. The key here is to plan to visit somewhere new!
  • Once you have your location scoped out, plan a few little activities you’ll do there. Whenever we’re visiting a new local as a family, I love to book a tour early in the trip. This gives us some history of the area, the lay of the land, and access to a local who can share all the best places to eat! When we travel, we use the Viator app to find local tours.
  • Visit family you haven’t seen in a whileโ€”I don’t know about you, but I have extended family that live out of state. Some of my favorite family vacations have been those that involve visiting them! (Bonus points if there’s space to stay with them!)

I know budgets are tight, so don’t feel like you need to blow all your summer money on a huge trip. Little day trips to local attractions can be refreshing, too! Think of all the things you wanted to do during the school year, but are too exhausted from teaching to do. Now’s the time!

Some suggestions:

  • Local zoos
  • Farms
  • State parks
  • Splash pads
  • Library
  • Local attractions like theme parks or gaming areas
  • Aquariums
  • Pools
  • Movie theatres

2. Read (for Pleasure!)

Is there anything better than getting immersed in a good book? I think not, and summertime is the perfect time to catch up on your reading!

These are some of my favorites! But check out these posts for some more awesome suggestions!

Dive into a good book for pure enjoyment!

Think: a gripping novel, a light-hearted romance, or even an inspiring biography. This post has some suggestions!

Take it a step further and join a book club for the summer. This presents a perfect opportunity to read books and discuss them with other people! Some may not even be teachers!

3. Mindfulness and Meditation

The school year is pretty stressful, so taking some time to relax over the summer is key to avoiding burnout. Mindfulness and meditation are quick ways to do this.

These are pretty simple to do (even my Apple watch reminds me to do this in the morning and evening!)

If you’re unsure where to begin, you can start with deep breathing exercises at the beginning or the end of the day. You can use a meditation app like Daywell or Calm to take it a step further.

If you want to take it even further, add yoga to your routine. Join a local class or find some free videos on YouTube. Who knows, maybe you’ll build these practices into your routine enough to continue during the school year.

4. Get a Hobby

Okay, this next one is pretty tricky.


Finding time to enjoy a hobby seems nearly impossible when you are a wife, mother, teacher, sister, daughter, or pet owner.

Last summer, I was at a pool party for one of my daughter’s friends. A mom at the party was discussing how she likes to bake sourdough bread and runs Disney races with her friends. Then, she turned and asked me what hobbies I had. I laughedโ€”was she joking? I have two kids, a curriculum design business, and a full-time career. If I have free time, I’m taking a nap.

She didn’t laugh.

But, that’s when I realized it was time to stop pushing “me time” to the side. So, I started thinking about what hobbies I could do (Honestly, that made me want to take a nap, too!)

Once I removed the pressure, I started finding joy in simple things, like reading a book while my kids played outside. Or go for a bike ride with the family. I also made a list of things I enjoy doing that aren’t teacher, mom, or business-related.

Now, I’m slowly regaining some of those old hobbies. I try to run a few days a week after school, picked up a cute little sewing kit, and purchased a hand-lettering book.

I know I’m not going to be good at any of those hobbies, but they make me happy (and give my brain a rest) so, I’m taking it!

If you’re at a loss for a hobby, here are a few suggestions:

  • Baking
  • Reading
  • Sleeping (this really should be higher on the list!)
  • Crafting (not just for your classroom!)
  • Flower arranging (a personal favorite!)
  • Drawing/painting
  • Creating (needle crafting, pottery, or diamond painting)
  • Handlettering
  • Crocheting ( I think this plant crochet craft is adorable!)

You can check out some craft kits for women here on Amazon, too!

5. Exercise and Stay Active

I know, I know, we are so active at our jobs during the school year ( I regularly clear 12,000 steps in a day), but by the time summer rolls around, I want to just lay on the couch and binge-watch shows all day or mindlessly scroll Instagram. But these habits leave me tired, sluggish, and anxious.

But, part of taking care of your mental health includes taking care of your physical health.

For this one, try incorporating a simple physical activity into your daily routine. For me, it’s weight training in the morning before the kids get up, then a brisk walk or a ride on the Peleton after breakfast. If I’m lucky, I can get a jog or walk in after dinner. I’m nowhere near that 12,000 step mark, but I always feel better. I even joined a local gym with child care, so I try to go 2-3 times a week.

Joining a fitness class or finding a local pilates, dance, or martial arts studio is a great way to stay active this summer, too!

6. Pamper Yourself

I know what you are thinking… does buying school supplies for next year count as pampering yourself?

The real answer… no. But a little pampering can go a long way!

If you can, treat yourself to a spa treatment or two. Maybe a massage one month and a facial the next. Or maybe you get your nails done. There are also sauna clubs or infrared light treatments you can do too!

Low on funds? You know that whole not really being paid over the summer thingโ€”try doing a few at-home treatments. I love grabbing a few face masks at Target and taking a bath a few times a month. Sometimes, it’s nice just to sit in the quiet. Light a candle, grab a book, and lock the door. This time is for you to unwind!

7. Connecting with Family and Friends

Having the time and energy to spend time with anyone outside of the school day can be tough during the year, but summer can be the perfect time to relax, chat, and catch up with your favorite people.

Spend some quality time with loved ones. Maybe you plan a few daytime get-togethers at the park. Or go out for lunch or dinner.

If staying home is your thing, maybe try hosting a summer barbecue or picnic at the park and invite a few of your favorite people.

Connecting with people that you love or enjoy spending time together is a great way to relax and unwind this summer break!

8. Unplug or Do a Digital Detox

Here’s the thing… we all use technology to stay connected, but this exact thing can leave us feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Summer might be the perfect time to take a break from your digital devices. Deleting your social media apps are a good way to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.

9. Learn Something New

This sort of falls in line with finding a hobby. But, the summer is a perfect time to try something new. Think: making sourdough, or how to make jewelry. Think of a topic that interests you, but isn’t related to teaching.

This could also be something like learning a new language, working on your handwriting skills, or learning photography!

10. Volunteer and Give Back

Ok… I know what you’re thinking… I already volunteer so much of my time during the school year, I feel like I have no other time to give.

But, engaging in your community through volunteer work is a great way to replenish your soul! Pick a project that you are passionate about.

Like animals? Volunteer at the animal shelter. Have a green thumb, so if, you can help clean up a local park. Ocean calling you? Join a beach clean-up.

The teacher next to me used to be a media specialist. She loved books and getting kids excited about them, so each summer, she volunteered at her local library as part of a community reading project. It’s the perfect way to marry your passions with community service!

11. Get Creative- Express Yourself!

Try some new creative outlets! Things like writing, drawing, crafting, or playing a musical instrument. These are things you might not have time (or the brain space) to do during the school year, but are a perfect way to refill your cup!

You can participate in local art classes or join a writing group. You could also join a few music sessions to express yourself! Or maybe you’re a theatre nerd! Summer is a perfect time to join that community theatre group!

12. Set Some Personal Goals

Summer is a perfect time to reflect on your past year (or years!) and set some personal goals. Maybe it’s health-related, like running a 5k!) or career-related, like finally getting that national certification.

Or maybe there’s a personal project you’ve had your heart set on that you never got to finish. Either way, summer is the perfect time to start!

Create a vision board or a journal to track your progress. Looking back on how far you’ve come will help keep you motivated AND on track once the school year starts back up!

How to Rest and Refresh this Summer!

By prioritizing relaxation and self-care, you can return to the new school year feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to inspire your students. From leaning into some new hobbies, spending time with friends, or traveling, the summer is a perfect time to refill your cup! What are your favorite ways to relax and refresh over the summer? Comment below!

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Hi, I'm Leigh.

The Applicious Teacher is all about creating hands-on and engaging lessons that align with the standards while still having time for your life. This is your place for ideas, tips, and resources for the REAL teacher!


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