Planning Made Easy: Activities for Surviving the End of the Year 2nd grade

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It is no secret that the end of the school year is always the hardest time for teachers. Let’s be honest; we’re often just in survival mode by that time. To make matters a little more challenging, this year, more than ever before, the kids are just done. We are over it too, and summer break cannot come quickly enough! So today, I’m sharing some of my favorite EOY activities and ideas for making the slide into summer break extra easy!

end of year activities 2nd grade

And let’s be honest… after a year like this year… I think we could ALL use some easy and fun end-of-the-year activities and ideas that will help shake things up and get you and your students over that finish line!

1. Send Your Students to 3rd Grade Training Camp

Want to make a splash at the end of the year with fun activities that are also perfect for preparing your students for the next grade level? Then, send them to 3rd-grade training camp!

third grade training camp end of year review for 2nd grade

Check out how I used the 3rd Grade Training Camp with my 2nd graders here!

These are my all-time favorite lesson plans for the end of the year. Theyโ€™re fun but also help prepare your students for their upcoming grade, all while filling your plan books for an entire week!

Have all the activities you need for your third grade training camp by checking out the unit here.

There’s also a 2nd-grade training camp that’s perfect for our first-grade friends (or beginning of the year review for 2nd grade.) Check it out here!

2. ELA and Math Games for the End of the Year

Looking for something low-prep and extra-engaging to make it through to the end? These Reading and Math Spinner Games are my go-to for that every single time.

easy spinner review grames 2nd grade

You can easily work these games into a full lesson plan, used as a light and energized EOY review, or as quick brain breaks. The options are really endless. This pack includes nine games geared toward all my 2nd and 3rd friends!

3. Summer Buckets to Avoid the Summer Slip

This is such a fun and engaging alternative to Summer Review packets. Once I started using this idea, I never looked back. I promise your students – and you! – will love making these summer review buckets! See how I did this with my class here.

4. Class Memory Book

This one is to make your life easier, teacher friend! Want to make something special for your kiddos at the end of the year but need something that is not overly time-consuming for you?? Because… seriously!!! We need quick & easy, right?!

This editable class memory book is perfect for you then. Plus, it comes with a matching activity for your students to write about their favorite memory from the year that will all go together to create a collaborative collection of stories.

Best part?? Itโ€™s been updated with a digital version for your virtual classroom… a class memory book video!!

5. End of the Year Awards

Iโ€™ve got another really special (and easy!) way for you to celebrate the end of the year and make it memorable for your students: End of the Year Awards!

This pack is for in-person AND distance learning and is completely editable. It is one of my studentsโ€™ favorite times each year because they feel so noticed and accomplished receiving their Awards, and I am so pumped to celebrate them! Always a day to look forward to for all of us amidst those long EOY days!

6. End of the Year Activities Letter

I love doing this each year. Letters to parents and caregivers that detail events for the final week really help families support those kiddos through those โ€œend-of-year wigglesโ€ that are sure to have set in by this point. Plus, I think they appreciate knowing what to expect and that some valuable and engaging things are going on that last week for their children.

You can grab a completely editable version here for FREE! Use it for your upcoming last week of school, or save it for next year! 

7. End of the Year Student Gifts

End of year student letter

Seriously, how cute are these student letters? They make a perfect EOY student gift, and they are super simple to create! All you need is this file, a class picture (or individual pictures of your students), and access to PowerPoint or Google Slides. Such a memorable way to end the year and do something special for those kiddos who have overcome SO much this year!! (Wait, can someone write us, teachers, a note too??!!)

Planning for the End of Year Made Easy

I hope these fun and easy EOY ideas help you make it through and finish the final weeks of the school year on a solid note!

Grab all these perfect for the end of year resources all in one place! Click below to check out this EOY 2nd Grade Bundle!

End of year activities for 2nd grade

What are your favorite ideas and activities for surviving the end of the school year? Share in the comments!

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Hi, I'm Leigh.

The Applicious Teacher is all about creating hands-on and engaging lessons that align with the standards while still having time for your life. This is your place for ideas, tips, and resources for the REAL teacher!


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